A hand-up, not a hand-out

Deki empowers people to support their family and fight poverty – our community of nearly 3,000 lenders have lent over £800,000, and changed over 31,000 lives in 5 different countries with their loans.
Change a life today. Opportunity not poverty.

Payroll Giving donations now more important than ever

Payroll Giving is one of the most tax-effective ways for you to support Deki and donate towards our operating costs. Your donation is taken from your pre-tax salary (after National Insurance contributions are removed but before Income Tax is calculated and deducted). 
Additional benefits include:

•Your tax is calculated on a lower amount; this could change your tax bracket and lower the amount of tax you pay
•You get tax relief on your donation immediately, at your highest rate of tax, and you can pass this benefit onto Deki
Example: A £20 donation made through Payroll Giving by an employee on 20% tax will cost the donor £16 but mean £20 for Deki.

How much will my donation cost out of my take-home pay?

You donate   You pay
Cost to you as a 20% tax rate payer 
Cost to you as a 40% tax rate payer 
Cost to you as a 45% tax rate payer 

Processing - how does Payroll Giving Work?

To find out more detail visit https://payrollgiving.co.uk/employer/what-is-payroll-giving/

What if I change my mind?

You can start, stop or change your donation at any time.

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